Town Meeting


Rhyme Time

Moisture Meter


Meeting the second Thursday of each month at 3:30 pm!
Town Office Building Lobby.
Contact to join and get a book!


Every Wednesday at 1:00 pm
@ Vernon Free Library

Bring a project to share or come to learn!
Masks & social distancing required!

Community Cookbook

Now on sale at the library!

Only $15!  A special thanks to all who contributed recipes and the volunteers who put the cook book together.

Vernon Free Library especially thanks C&S for the donation of printing the cookbook!


Vermont Online Library logo

Covering everything from newspaper articles to DIY car repair, the Vermont Online Library  (VOL) can help with any topic. Available for free to all Vermonters, VOL has options for all ages from elementary school through adult. 

Family Search Logo

Trace Your Family Tree!

Access collections of genealogy resources from over 100 countries and counting!   Requires a one-time registration with your e-mail address, and it's absolutely free!